Friday, 30 May 2014

Indoor Tennis Court Lighting

I’ve recently come across a rather novel way of lighting indoor courts which I think worth sharing as it is very effective and very cost effective.

I was asked to quote to replace the lighting on an indoor tennis court.  Simple enough, but the current arrangement was rather unusual.  It was lit with 4x6ft fluorescent fittings the entire length of the court on both sides located more or less at 6m directly above the doubles side lines. (off the playing area) They were angled at about 30deg from vertical.

One solution is obviously to simply replace the tubes with LED but this would mean rewiring each fitting and cleaning the diffusers.

I considered a different approach and modelled the court with our Turin 600x600 suspended ceiling panel and was amazed at the result.

Good overall illumination and uniformity, minimal glare and, since these panels are solid, unlike the fluorescent fittings, they are robust and less prone to damage from mis-hit balls.

 Of course it's not just indoor tennis you can light this way.  Bowling greens, squash, badminton - anything where glare would be an issue.

If you have something you need lit - give us the challenge to come up with something different

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